About Us

Georgetown Working League serving our community since 1913

Year In Review, by Susan Bean

An ode is meant to celebrate and appreciate,

but I found it hard to write one. So, I know of "Ode to

Joy," took the JOY and wrote "Joy to the Working

League." (Go ahead, sing it!)

"Joy to the Working League"

Our Working League

Supports Georgetown;

Our mem-bers plan and work:

With all our fellowships

We've formed so many partnerships:

Our scholars get some aid,

Town groups might get upgrades,

And, Rach-el, our treasurer, makes sure they're paid.

Our Working League

Has meetings, too.

On Mon-days need-les fly!

We foster creativity

By trying new activities.

The Balsam Bags get sewn,

The Quilt comes into its own,

But "makers" of all kinds can find a home!

Our Working League

Likes raising funds

On schol-ars to be-stow!

Ambition, ingenuity,

And essays with integrity

Achieve some nice awards,

Educations to afford.

We and the stu-u-dents get just rewards!

Our Working League

Has Bid$ and Bite$.

And do-nors ral-ly 'round.

Art, services and gifts,

Ex-per-iences uplift,

The Si-lent Auc-tion shines!

The Bite$ are so di-vine!

Good-will and pocketbooks are all in line!

Our Working League

Just loves our town!

We find good ways to merge:

Fourth of Ju-ly Pa-rade,

Trucks, can-dy and mer-maids!

Enrichment and clubs at school,

Craft nights before the Yule,

And practice-ing, faithfully, the Gold-en Rule!

Our Working League

Has missions, too!

Meet sec-ond and fourth Tues-days.

Begin with sharing and merriment,

Good friends are often jubilant!

The business all gets done,

Mix-ing work with fun,

The tal-ent and bol-ster-ing can't be outdone!

Our Working League

Has Thrifts and Gifts,

A shop to make you smile!

White Elephants and jewelry,

Some locals share their artistry:

The gifts are all handmade,

The Quilt is on display,

And shi-ifts to wo-rk on weekend days!

Our Working League

Likes new i-deas

For us to make and sell:

We need good inspir-a-ation

And happy co-oper-a-ation.

And now "SEW Days" are real,

With lots of wide appeal

For cre-a-tors and cra-afters who work with zeal!

Our Working League

Want all to see

Just what we have to offer!

Amusement, cam-arad-erie,

Friendship and con-gen-i-ality!

Just bring your curious mind

To see what you may find;

There's some-thing for everyone who's so inclined!

Zooming our way through the pandemic!